CBRN Consequence Management Course
- Date: 24/11/2025 - 28/11/2025
- Status: NATO Approved
- ETOC code: WMD-CD-25633
- Security level: NATO Unclassified releasable to PfP, MD, ICI, PatG*
- Course fee: 5000 CZK (approx. 200 EUR)**
- Seats: min 15, max 25 participants
- Deadline for enrollment: 12/10/2025
- Venue: JCBRN Defence COE, Vyškov, Czech Republic

This course introduces the student to the NATO Consequence Management (CM) concept, organization, system, and procedures; including Civil-Military CBRN CM cooperation and partnership initiatives to NATO and Partner Nations officers and their civilian counterparts.
Learning Objective:
This course provides lessons learned from recent NATO consequence management activities and exercises and identifies the importance of established Rules of Engagement (RoE) during CM response operations. The course further considers the importance of information sharing with the public and media activities during all phases of a CM response effort.
Expected Training Audience:
This course was developed for key members of the CM community, including police officers, firefighters, medical service professionals, military, civil defence, emergency management authorities, communications teams, and other specialist teams such as counterterrorism units and investigatory agency members.
*PfP – Partnership for Peace; MD – Mediterranean Dialogue; ICI – Istanbul Cooperation Initiative; PatG – Partners across the Globe
**no fee for the JCBRN Defence COE Sponsoring Nations and Contribution Partner