Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence

An Accredited NATO Military Body



     The Joint CBRN Defence COE conducted the Introduction to the International CBRN Training Curriculum Course during the third week of MAY 2013. 32 participants/trainees from one NATO country (Italy) and four PfP nations (Kazakhstan, Armenia, Algeria and Azerbaijan) were trained in theoretical and practical applications.  The Italian contingent consisted of 26 members of the Military University and State Police involved in C-IED and CBRN operations.  The Supervisor of the course was a member of NATO’s Civil Emergency Planning Committee (CEPC).  The course also benefited from the outstanding lecturers provided from seven countries (five from NATO and two from PfP nations) who facilitated the sharing of experiences, knowledge and opinions between the participants.

     The Introduction to the International CBRN Training Curriculum Course is designed to train participants in matters like training, preparation, organization, and conducting recovery operations after natural disasters, CBRN incidents and other possible events which require the employment of first responders. IAW the experiences and background of the participants, the course agenda was prepared to include both theoretical and practical aspects.

     Theoretical lessons covered some of the most critical areas to include first-aid, EOD/IED, decontamination, protection against CBRN agents (also TIM), detection of CBRN agents and command & control. Participants were very satisfied with the high level of lectures and presentations offered during this portion of the course. 

     In cooperation with the garrison and Military Academy in Vyskov, practical training was conducted at the training area adjacent to the garrison. After some of the participants displayed some initial anxiety about crossing fire/smoke obstacles the practical part of the training continued very smoothly.  The high level of professionalism of the trainers quickly calmed the situation and instilled confidence in all the participants.  The scenario utilized during the practical training was an evacuation from a damaged village (fire/smoke obstacles) and after that they conducted a search and rescue operation to locate and recover missing persons.  A number of incidents were organized during this practical exercise to include: first aid, toxic material leaking from a tank, EOD – unknown unexploded shell, first aid and extinguishing the fire in the house while conducting a search and rescue mission.  Safety was the top priority during this training.  During the After Action Review participants and instructors presented many practical and useful comments that will be utilized to improve future training events.

     The Introduction to the International CBRN Training Curriculum Course 2013 produced great results and the participants established many contacts and shared numerous ideas, experiences and opinions.

Author: CPT Matjaž Košelnik

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Training Courses

Live Agent Training

  • 30 Sep – 4 Oct 2024 (enroll till 18 Aug 2024)