Read more: Internship experience - Paulina Frederike Gogacz

Between March and June 2024, I had the opportunity to get to know the JCBRN Defence COE in Vyškov, Czech Republic, during my four months-long internship. The internship has been an enriching experience that has significantly impacted my professional development. The focus of my research was hybrid threats in the CBRN environment. Throughout my research, I had the constant support of my supervisor, Linda, as well as the expertise of the other staff at the centre who were always open to engage in conversations and answer questions about my topic and other issues related to CBRN defence. Furthermore, I was able to watch an exercise of first responders and participate in one of the courses, deepening my knowledge on the CBRN environment and NATO’s activities in countering weapons of mass destruction.

Read more: Internship experience - Mathias Katsuya

On the 20th of May 2024, I began a six-week internship at the Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence in Vyškov, the Czech Republic. Much of my work centred on an independent project investigating the potential for enhanced cooperation between NATO and the EU Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) in countering the threat of CBRN terrorism. I conducted secondary-source and statistical analyses to produce a CBRN threat assessment, before building on this research through interviews with COE and Europol personnel to outline avenues for deepened NATO-Europol engagement. My final report is currently undergoing a pre-publication review within the COE, with the goal of disseminating its recommendations among NATO and Europol’s Counter Terrorism Centre.

Read more: CBRNe/HAZMAT First Responders Course for CBRN first responders from the State of Kuwait

In cooperation with the National Institute of NBC Defence of the Czech Republic, the JCBRN Defence COE is proud to announce that it will be conducting an advanced CBRNe/HAZMAT First Responders Course for CBRN first responders from the State of Kuwait. This six-week course is part of a larger CBRNe/HAZMAT Train the Trainers Program that will provide the State of Kuwait with qualified CBRNe/HAZMAT incident response experts and instructors. Course attendees will be from across the spectrum of first responders, including military and civilian firefighters, medical professionals, scientists, and EOD amongst others, helping to facilitate improved interagency response efforts. The JCBRN Defence COE will provide additional information on this course in the near future.

Read more: A Shared Commitment to CBRN Defence; the JCBRN Defence COE Trains Ukrainian CBRN First Responders

As Ukraine continues to navigate through complex geopolitical challenges, the importance of ensuring the constant readiness of its armed forces cannot be understated. In response, and at the request of SHAPE’s Partnership Directorate, the JCBRN Defence COE conducted the Training for the First Responders to CBRN Incidents course for a group of 16 Ukrainian CBRN first responders. This training, which occurred from 15 – 19 April 2024, was sponsored by SHAPE, and completed in cooperation with the Czech Population Protection Institute and the Training Centre of the Czech Fire Rescue Service in Brno.

Read more: The 97th US Chemical Battalion Visits the JCBRN Defence COE and Kammená Chaloupka

On 9 February 2024 the JCBRN Defence COE was honoured to host the Command Team from the 97th Chemical Battalion (US Army Reserves) out of Wackernheim, Germany. This meeting was in response to a chance meeting between the author of this article, Director of the Education, Training & Evaluation Director, COL Michael Firmin, and the unit’s Command Sergeant Major, CSM Dmitriy Yurganov, at a defence leader’s conference in Warsaw in November 2023. From this meeting, the two leaders decided to seek out further areas in which each organization could support the other.

Read more: JCBRN Defence COE Interns experience

Julie Anne Claire Hoogendoorn:

On the 1st of September 2023, my journey at the JCBRN Defence COE in Vyskov, Czech Republic commenced, marking the beginning of a transformative six-month internship. Delving into the intricacies of civil-military interaction during crisis operations, specifically in the context of Article 5, became the focal point of my research endeavours. Throughout this period, I meticulously compared and analysed the responses and cooperation mechanisms of various NATO nations, leveraging the organisation's extensive professional and international network.

Read more: Toxic Trip 2023

A military aircraft, transporting chemical samples and suspected Chemical Warfare Agent (CWA) and loaded ammunition, has been hit by an enemy rocket while taxiing down a runway. The crew and passengers are unable to exit the aircraft, which has now most likely become contaminated by the toxic cargo. The risk of additional enemy rocket attacks remains unabated. The rescue mission becomes hindered by another unexploded missile explosion near the aircraft.

Read more: The JCBRN Defence COE Hosts the U.S. Army’s CBRN Requirements Branch

Whether through industry, academia, or an international or non-governmental organization, the JCBRN Defence COE continues to seek out new partners that have common interests. These are entities who can help us with one of our core responsibilities, working with the Alliance in the prevention, protection, and recovery from CBRN incidents. It is within this desire that our Centre hosted Soldiers from the U.S. Army’s CBRN Requirements Branch.