Hungarian visit

On Thursday, 20th November 2008, the JCBRN Defence Centre of Excellence in Vyškov was visited by COL János HUSZÁR, LTC Lajos PESZT, LTC László GYENES, LTC József GYÖREI, MAJ Sándor NOVÁK, MSgt. Laszló DRUHAPOLCZIK.

The Director of the JCBRN Defence COE, COL Zdeněk ČÍŽEK, welcomed the delegation and gave a presentation to share a practical experience and to provide a recommendation on the COE development. The Hungarian delegation showed great interest in participating with the JCBRN Defence COE in the future.

Photos: Olga Karaffová; text, contact: 1LT Ilona BAIN, +420 973 452 805, +420 606 640 004

French Team of Experts Visit

On Thursday, 20th November 2008, the JCBRN Defence Centre of Excellence in Vyškov was visited by the Deputy Director of CEB, Francoise LÉVEQUE; CEB Expert, Alain LOUVET; Chief of Technical Department of Central Health Service Directorate, Eliane GARRABÉ and Liaison officer, LTC Nicolas LALLEMAND DE DRIESEN.

The Director of the JCBRN Defence COE COL Zdeněk ČÍŽEK acquainted the French team of experts with the current status and the way ahead for the JCBRN Defence COE. During the visit a discussion about future cooperation took place.

Photos: Olga Karaffová; text, contact: 1LT Ilona BAIN, +420 973 452 805, +420 606 640 004

Chairman SÚJB visited the JCBRN Defence COE

On Wednesday, 19th November 2008, the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) Chairman Dana Drábová visited the JCBRN Defence Centre of Excellence in Vyškov.

The Director of the JCBRN Defence COE, COL Zdeněk Čížek, welcomed her and Mr. Stanislav Brádka, representing the National Institute for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection (SÚJCHBO). The delegation was companied by Deputy Chief of Defence Policy and Strategic Division of Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic Mrs. Radomír Jahoda. The visitors were acquainted by director on the development, missions and program of work of the JCBRN Defence COE. The important contribution of this visit was the promise of the future cooperation between JCBRN Defence COE and SÚJB in nuclear defence area.

Photos: Olga Karaffová; text, contact: 1LT Ilona BAIN, +420 973 452 805, +420 606 640 004

Chief of Defence German Armed Forces visited the JCBRN Defence COE

On Friday, 7th November 2008, the Chief of Defence German Armed Forces General Wolfgang Schneiderhan visited the JCBRN Defence Centre of Excellence in Vyškov.

The Director of the JCBRN Defence COE COL Zdeněk ČÍŽEK welcomed him and the members of German delegation, COL Hartmunt RENK, COL Bruno REIDIGER and LTC Olaf BÖLTING. Chief of Transformation Support Department COL Fred HILPERT acquainted General Schneiderhan with the current status and the way ahead of the JCBRN Defence COE.
At the end of the official visit, General Schneiderhan met the German members of the JCBRN Defence COE.

Contact: 1LT Ilona BAIN, +420 973 452 805, +420 606 640 004

3rd International CBRN CC Conference in Liberec

The 3rd International CBRN Commandant & Commanders Conference was held from 14th to 16th October 2008 in Liberec, Czech Republic; It was the first time the conference was hosted in the Czech Republic, who are one of the leading countries in NBC Defence in NATO.

The conference hosted 59 NBC specialists from 16 countries (Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Great Britain, France, Japan, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and USA) and also the NATO representatives and representatives of the Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic. During the conference COL Zdeněk ČÍŽEK and COL Fred HILPERT represented JCBRN Defence COE. This conference was also supported by JCBRN Defence COE Support Department.
The 4th International CBRN CC Conference will be held in Bulgaria, in October 2009.

Contact: 1LT Ilona BAIN, +420 973 452 805, +420 606 640 004

Autumn Steering Committee Meeting (16 – 17 September 2008)

The JCBRN Defence COE Steering Committee met 16 – 17 September 2008 with the participation of representatives from CZE, DEU, GBR, GRC, ITA, POL, ROU, SVK, SVN and representatives of ACT and IMS.

All the participant representatives, along with the POL Representative, signed the Note of Joining to the Operation MOU and POL accepted the invitation to formally attend the SC meeting. The JCBRN Defence COE will continue to pursue the signing of the Functional MOU with ACT, allowing the inclusion of POL.
• The SC approved the updated POW 2009.
• The SC approved the proposal for the JCBRN Defence COE to take the lead role of JAT for NRF 13 in 2009, with support contributions offered from CZE and DEU.
• The SC tasked the JCBRN Defence COE to provide a proposal for training CBRN NRF evaluators to achieve a common standard.
• The SC approved the revised Job Descriptions.
• The SC noted the MTFP 2008 – 2012.
The SC agreed that the next meeting would take place 21-22 April 2009, and the autumn meeting would be 15-16 September 2009. Locations will be confirmed by the JCBRN Defence COE Director.

Photo by Olga Karaffová Contact: 1LT Ilona Bain, +420 973 452 803, +420 606 640 004

Co-Chairman of NATO Studies Support Group (SSG), Consequence of Intercept Analysis Team (COIAT)

On Thursday, 17th July 2008, the Co-Chairman of NATO Studies Support Group (SSG) Consequence of Intercept Analysis Team (COIAT) Mr. Michael TOBIN visited JCBRN Defence COE in Vyškov.

Mr. Michael TOBIN also visited Centre of preparation for peaceful forces (CPPF), Military Academy in Vyškov, Centre of simulation and trainer technologies and The Hall of air forces.

Contact: CPT Radek Novotny, +420 973 452 895, +420 777 083 126

Sharing experience

Based on the decision from COE WS in Norfolk 2008, JCBRN Defence COE is sharing experience with other newly established COEs. In May 2008, JCBRN Defence COE hosted a delegation from ENTEC (Germany) and Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine (Hungary) and the Chief of the Chemical Corps of German Army Colonel Wolfgang Klos, and our own Subject Matter Expert delegation visited EOD Centre of Excellence (Slovakia).

Contact: CPT Radek Novotny, +420 973 452 895, +420 777 083 126

Spring Steering Committee Meeting (6 – 7 May 2008)

During 6 - 7 May 2008, the JCBRN Defence COE Steering Committee met with participation of the representatives from CZE, DEU, GBR, GRC, ITA, ROU, SVK, SVN and ACT.

The Steering Committee approved Status Report 2007 for ACT, Programme of Work 2009, FAPs Issue 2. During the next SC meeting the Note of Joining with Poland will be signed. Other items on the agenda will be among other Future investments and MTFP 2008-2012.
From 6 – 7 May 2008, the JCBRN Defence COE Steering Committee Meeting will be held in Vyskov. The topics discussed during the meeting will include JCBRN Defence COE 2007 POW Status Report, draft JCBRN Defence COE 2009 POW, draft MTFP 2009 – 2013, draft FAPs Issue 2 and possible JCBRN Defence COE Future Investments.

Contact: CPT Radek Novotny, +420 973 452 895, +420 777 083 126

Visit of Lieutenant General Luan Hoxha from Albania

From 12 to 14 March 2008, the Chief of the Armed Forces of Albania, Lieutenant-General Luan Hoxha, with his delegation visited the Czech Republic, following the invitation of the Leader of the general staff of the armed forces of the Czech Republic Lieutenant General Vlastimil Picek.

On Friday 14 March 2008, the Chief of the Armed Forces of Albania, Lieutenant-General Luan HOXHA, with his delegation visited JCBRN Defence Centre of Excellence in Vyškov. Commander Panagiotis Lekkas (Greece), a member of the JCBRN Defence COE, gave a presentation on the development, missions and program of work of the JCBRN Defence COE. Chief of CBRN Defence Training, Exercises and Education Department, Colonel Lubomír KUBART, acquainted General Hoxha with the current status and the way ahead of the JCBRN Defence COE. During the visit, Lieutenant-General Hoxha also visited TRADOC, Military Academy, BMATT and CSTT in Vyškov garrison.

Contact: CPT Radek Novotny, +420 973 452 895, +420 777 083 126

The 9th anniversary of the Czech Republic entry into NATO was commemorated in Vyskov

On 12 March 2008, the 9th anniversary of the Czech Republic's entry into NATO was commemorated in Vyskov garrison.

On this festive occasion the representatives of local administration and social organisations were present. Director of TRADOC, Colonel Jaromir Zuna, who was present during the signature of The Washington Treaty in the  town of Independence in 1999, recalled the political aspects of the coalition creation.
"The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation has played and does play an important role for stability, security and prosperity on the European continent. Beside its security and military role, NATO is - and this is even more important for us - a significant institutional cementing of the transatlantic ties between Europe and the United States which in the past played a key part in the introduction and stabilisation of democracy and civic as well as economic freedoms on our continent" (cit. Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic and Supreme Commander of Czech Armed Forces)

Contact: CPT Radek Novotny, +420 973 452 895, +420 777 083 126