c_270_180_16777215_0_0_images_PICTURES_2019_1029_Analyticon_Pict.jpg“We will further develop our partnership with industry and academia from all Allies to keep pace with technological advances through innovation” as the Heads of State and Government stated at the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels from 11 - 12 July 2018.

Cooperation with chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) defence related industries contributes to the development of CBRN defence capabilities, and allows participants to exchange valuable information that helps both parties to share knowledge, ideas, and plans in order to identify and apply new and emerging technologies in a time- and resource-efficient manner. In addition, this also strengthens and improves the quality of Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence (JCBRND COE) products and further develop cooperation with CBRN related industry and scientific institutes in order to leads institutional and operational efforts to support NATO capability development, mission effectiveness, and interoperability as a part of the JCBRND COE Concept.

JCBRND COE was introduced to ANALYTICON at “Non-Conventional Threat (NCT) chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNe) Europe 2019“ organized and conducted by Ilja Bonsen (IB) Consultancy in VIENNA/AUSTRIA from 25 – 27 June 2019 (https://www.jcbrncoe.cz/index.php/events-67/main-events-2019/490-non-conventional-threat-nct-cbrne-europe-2019). ANALYTICON focuses on selected technologies supported by comprehensive expertise. Independent of any manufacturer, they look for new technologies and products paying particular attention to degree of innovation, marketability, quality and usability with a focused concept of handheld power. ANALYTICON intends to give the latest, strongest and easiest methods of analysis.

ANALYTICON then conducted an InfoCamp in POTSDAM-GOLM/Germany from 22 – 23 October 2019, participants included sixteen representatives from police, customs offices, fire-fighting services and academics, as well as JCBRND COE. Representatives provided subject matter expertise covering education & training, employment and procurement.

Ms. Anette FEY and Dr. Alan TANOVIC, ANALYTICON Instruments GmbH, subdivided the InfoCamp into two parts: Day 1 was designated on the detection of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and Day 2 on explosives and CBRN substances. Each day began with a theoretical introduction phase followed by an introduction of detection and identification devises, as well as by hands-on training with some participants providing “live agents”, such as methyl amphetamine, cocaine, trinitrotoluene (TNT), ricin, Semtex etc.

ANALYTICON also introduced a matrix to derive CBRN detection/identification devices from CBRN defence capability levels, levels of identification, and sensitivity of detection/identification devices. The tool itself is very useful; however, it does not currently meet NATO’s doctrinal requirements [In accordance with Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-3.8(B) Allied Joint Doctrine for Comprehensive CBRN Defence]. Technological developments will provide sensors that increase all detection capabilities up to provisional identification, such as combining colorimetric devices (“MobilDetect cards”) with cell phone applications. Doctrines and TTP must be adapted accordingly in order to align capabilities with NATO doctrine.

ANALYTICON not only offers free-of-charge InfoCamps, but also regular courses. ANALYTICON provided an excellent opportunity to exchange information with civilian stakeholders in CBRN defence, but also an overview on current hand-held CBRN detection devices. Whenever feasible and appropriate, JCBRND COE should participate at similar industry events in order to maintain awareness and understanding of technological developments in order to leads institutional and operational efforts to support NATO capability development, mission effectiveness, and interoperability.

Threat assessment performed by Ms. Anette FEY and Dr. Alan TANOVIC, ANALYTICON Instruments GmbH

Author/Photos: LtCol Bernd ALLERT (DEU-A)