c_270_180_16777215_0_0_images_PICTURES_2019_1101_EODWG_Pict.jpg The 59th Explosive Ordnance Disposal Interservice Working Group (EODWG) meeting took place at Kiel Naval Base in Kiel (DEU) from 22-25 October 2019. The enduring aim of the EODWG was to ensure standardization in the EOD field as it supports joint and combined operations, and to advise the Military Committee on EOD topics and issues.

Captain Matúš Glinda from the Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence (JCBRND) COE Doctrine & Terminology Section attended the meeting, which was chaired by Colonel Róbert Csaszár, director of the EOD Centre of Excellence (COE) in Trenčín (SVK). In total, 60 representatives from 19 nations (BEL, BIH, CAN, CZE, DEU, DNK, ESP, FRA, GBR, GRC, ITA, LVA, NLD, NOR, POL, SVK, SWE, TUR, USA) and NATO organisations/entities (Counter Improvised Explosive Devices Centre of Excellence (C-IED COE), EOD COE, JCBNRD COE, NATO Standardization Office (NSO), NATO Military Committee Land Standardization Board (MCLSB)).

The EODWG was organised in panels including EOD Doctrine, Policy, and Philosophy Panel; Information Panel; and EOD Tactics, Techniques, Procedures and Standardization Panel (EOD TTP&S Panel). Each panel reviewed and updated action items, and received a broad list of liaison reports from participating members. Open and effective discussions were held throughout the week.

Captain GLINDA from the JCBRND COE actively participated in the EOD TTP&S Panel in order to discuss and amplify comments provided by JCBRND COE on STANAG 2609 (AEODP-08) - Interservice CBRN EOD Operations on Multinational Deployments. During the Terminology session JCBRND COE representative contributed to the fruitful discussion in the moments where EOD-CBRN terms were developing.

Captain Gllinda also discussed the liaison report from the autumn Joint CBRN Defence Capability Development Group (JCBRND-CDG) meeting provided by the Belgium representative. He also invited members of EOD community to join the development of Allied Joint Publication (AJP) 3.XX – Doctrine for Weapons of Mass Destruction Disablement under custodianship of Germany. The next writing team meeting of AJP-3.XX will take place in Germany from 19 -21 February 2020.

Colonel Peter Lin (USA), chairman of the EOD TTP&S Panel, stressed the importance of synchronization between the EOD and CBRN Defence Communities, and was highly appreciated the contributions of JCBRND COE.

The 59th EODWG meeting was a remarkable example how separate communities could successfully cooperate and coordinate their efforts in order to achieve common goals.

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Author/Photos: CPT Matúš Glinda, SVK-A