
 The 13th meeting of the DTP was held in Copenhagen, Denmark from the 25th to 29th October 2009. The meeting was chaired by LTC Manfred HAGEN (JCBRN Defence COE).

29 delegates from 13 NATO nations, the JCBRN Defence COE and NATO Allied Command Operations (ACO) as well as one NATO Partnership for Peace (PfP) nation (SWE) attended the meeting to discuss the progress achieved in the development of several essential CBRN doctrinal publications. The 13th meeting held in Copenhagen was characterized with a proactive approach from all participants, which bore fruit in the results achieved by all syndicates. This was a successful and very productive meeting. ATP-3.8.1 Vol.I will be promulgated in December 2009 and AJP-3.8 as well as ATP-3.8.1 Vol.III moved significantly towards ratification.

 During the meeting a new DTP Secretary - LTC Marek PODPORA (JCBRN Defence COE) - was introduced.  He replaces LTC Martin PESA (JCBRN Defence COE), who was thanked for all his hard work. The next DTP meeting is going to be held in Umea, Sweden in May 2010. This will be the very first DTP meeting held by a partner nation.

Author: LTC Marek Podpora