The JCBRN Defence COE took part in Computer Assisted Exercise (CAX) PHOENIX 2010 utilizing the framework of MSG-049 on M&S System for Emergency Response Planning and Training. The PHOENIX 2010 Experiment, which is being held from 15 Nov to 19 Nov 2010 at National Military Training Complex „Charalitza“ in Bulgaria. 


         The main aim of the Exercise was to improve the cooperation and coordination among ministries and agencies in the planning and execution of operations for emergency response, stabilization and recovery. Moreover, this exercise and experimentation underscored the importance of effective collaboration between the civilian and military organizations whose purpose is to achieve collaborative interaction to benefit the security and protection of population. The JCBRN Defence COE supported Bulgaria with HPAC outputs during exercise. The key emphasis was focused not only on prediction, analysis and evaluation of CBRN events but also on explanation how to use HPAC tool in proper way and support decision making process.


          The main aim of the Experiment was to provide detailed information to CAX trainees on CBRN events. The first event was a Petrochemical plant accident in the city of Burgas and the second one was dirty bomb at the Locomotive stadium in the city of Sofia. The simulation tools of HPAC, EDMSIM, JCATS (US JFCOM) and CBRVB (UK DSTL) were used.Outputs from COE M&S tools (casualty reports, radiological reports, situational reports, shape files) were transferred to JPECT (Joint Planning and Execution Coordination Tool-ACT) and CFC/CimicWeb-ACT and compared with outputs from another tools involved in experiment (JCATS, CBRVB). 

        The results of simulation tools were also presented during VIP day to ACOS ACT general Giovani Fungo, military attachés and others.  The major result of COE participation in CAX/Experiment was presentation of unique M&S capabilities in the field of CBRN defence. COE members demonstrated that COE can support NATO in its CBRN Defence effort not only by M&S SW Tools but also by subject matter experts. 

        Final analysis and evaluation of the Exercise/Experiment will be done during January 2011 and finalized during the Final MSG-049 which will be held in the JCBRN Defence COE, Vyskov on 1-4 Feb 2011.

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Author: Mr. Jiří Pail, LTC Jiří Chrástek