

      Second week in March the JCBRN Defence COE hosted the 6th CBRN International Military Staff (IMS) meeting. More than twenty CBRN specialists from NATO HQs, JCBRN Defence COE, different NATO bodies and Czech Armed Forces met from 7th to 10th March in Vyškov to discuss current CBRN related issues. All participants were welcomed by the JCBRN Defence COE director COL Zdeněk Čížek, who expressed the COE pleasure to host such important meeting and willingness to deepen the JCBRN Defence COE collaboration with all NATO institution as well as the aim to increase our contribution to all projects running within NATO, certainly with a focus on CBRN ones especially. Then COL Christopher Harness (NATO HQ Brussels) chairing this meeting launched the first item of the agenda.

     Initial part of the meeting consisted of presentations given by representatives from different NATO HQs and other bodies. The main aim of this part was to provide an update of situation at relevant institutions, point to the most important tasks and identify problems, they are facing to. Among the most significant topics discussed we should stress “Implementation of the WMD/CBRN Policy”, “NATO Comprehensive CBRN Defence Concept”, “CBRN Reach-back and Fusion Concept” and other items associated with capabilities development and training.

    Second part of the 6th CBRN IMS meeting was focused on discussion of NATO capabilities usable to handle newly emerging threats. LTC Vratislav Osvald (SHAPE) chairing this block called Top Table Exercise (TTX) decided to take an advantage of JCBRN Defence COE Modeling and Simulation capabilities, which were used to provide informational groundwork enabling brain-storming on three specific areas. Each of three areas discussed was supported with simulation results of relevant scenario.

    Thus this block started with debate on “Prevention Proliferation and Protection against WMD/CBRN Threat Tasks”, which was held on the basis of Scenario 1 simulation. Participants paid attention especially to ways to reveal potential threats, detection of dangerous material movement and monitoring of suspicious persons and/or deliveries. Scenario 2 dealt with “CBRN Defence Support to High Visibility Event”, what is frequently discussed opportunity for terrorists attack. And eventually Scenario 3 embraced “Protection against and Recovery from WMD/CBRN Manmade Incident”. All three scenarios drove participants to propose, evaluate and discuss general rules, doctrines as well as details of particular countermeasures with significant accent on international cooperation and cross-border collaboration.

    The entire meeting was closed by COL Christopher Harness, who appreciated JCBRN Defence COE hospitality as well as the COE proactive approach to prepare and simulate all three scenarios required.


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Author: LTC Martin Peša

Photo:  Mrs. Hana Jurčová