
       JCBRN Defence COE conducted a CBRN Warning and Reporting Specialist pilot course from 15-19 Oct 2012.  The course consisted of 10 students from five countries. (GBR, ITA, POL, GRC, DNK, CZE).

      The COE designed the course to train and qualify students in warning, reporting and hazard prediction of CBRN incidents.  It also served to strengthen the foundation for integrity, good governance and management for members of the CBRN Warning and Reporting Centre by sharing common experiences and challenges, as well as CBRN Warning and Reporting exercises intended to enhance professionalism.

     The course director, LTC VRÁBEL, welcomed all students and introduced the course to the trainees. The Deputy Director of JCBRN Defence COE, COL János ZELENÁK, also offered a warm welcome to the course participants and officially opened the course on Monday and wished all students success in the course.

     In addition to lessons supplied by instructors from the JCBRN COE, numerous external organizations supported the instruction.  The 314 W&R centre in Hostivice provided two instructors, WO1 Ladislav KOJZAR and 2nd LT Jan Wiederlechner.  Additionally the developer of the CBRN Alalysis software, the Bruhn New Tech Company, offered MR. Erik Schmidt Neilsen as a Subject Matter Expert on this NATO standard hazard prediction tool.  Mr. Denis CANTWELL also provided a presentation about COBRA software. COBRA software is a tool designed for use by first responders. MR. PAIL from the JCBRN COE’s Modelling and Simulation Section provided a briefing on the capabilities and software available at the COE.

     The course consisted of two parts. The first half of the week trainees utilized detailed procedures in the W&R system, and during the second half of the week trainees used CBRN Analysis version 12 during a Computer Assisted Exercise (CAX).

     The JCBRN Defence COE intends to offer the next version of this course next year tentatively scheduled for 14 - 18 October 2013.  The capacity for this course is expected to be approximately 16 students.


  jcbrncoe.cz ... click here for more info


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Author: WO Pavel David

Photos: Mrs. Hana Jurcova