
CBRN Units Evaluators Course 2014

CBRN Units Evaluators Course 2014 was conducted during the period 8 – 12 September.

The aim of the course was to prepare officers to achieve common standards in CBRN certification for evaluation of CBRN Defence units assigned to NATO Response Force Combined Joint Chemical Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Task Force (NRF CJ CBRND TF). Although the CJ CBRND TF consists of CBRN Battalion (CBRN Bn) and CBRN Joint Assessment Team (CBRN JAT) the focus of the course were CBRN units (Recon, Decon, Bio, Lab). In addition, the aim of the course was to learn how to evaluate the units of the CBRND Bn since this part is not defined in AFS volume VII and it is highly technical issue.

The course was evaluated by students as very useful course with great benefit for professional development of the students.

Students came from Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia. During the course several guest and support speakers delivered the most up-to-date and comprehensive lessons about combat readiness evaluation.

According to the student comment forms the course attendees were very satisfied with the course content and praised practical exercises, the opportunity to work in teams and hospitality of the JCBRND COE and the Czech Republic.



Collective photo: Mrs. Hana Jurčová

Text: CPT Gorazd STERGAR (SVN)