
Consequence Management after a CBRN Incident Course was organized by the Joint CBRN Defence Centre of Excellence and held at Allvet Hotel from 10 to 14 November 2014.

The course was organized under Science for Peace and Security Programme (SPSS). SPSS is a NATO policy tool, founded in 1958, that enhances cooperation and dialogue with all partners. It promotes civil, security-related practical cooperation, and focuses on a growing range of contemporary security challenges, including terrorism, defence against CBRN agents, cyber defence, energy security and environmental concerns, human and social aspects of security.

The group of 30 students was a mature and very diverse in nationalities, ranks, organizations… There were 19 students from three countries (Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine) . The rest of students were from different NATO countries. Students were members of armed forces, police, ministries of interior, ministries of defence and emergency services.

The aim of the course was to introduce and describe Consequence Management after a CBRN Incident, NATO and EU Crisis Management concept, organization, systems and procedures including Cooperation and Partnership initiatives in CBRN Crisis / Consequence Management to Partner Nation officers and their civilian equivalents.

The course included theoretical briefings, equipment demonstrations, practical exercise and syndicate works. The group of lecturers consisted of 16 people from different organizations including NATO HQ, Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, EU Military Staff , Czech State Office for Nuclear Safety, Austrian NBC-Defence School, Defence Threat Reduction Agency Europe, Czech University of Defence and Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.

Wednesday and Thursday were dedicated to Consequence Management after a radiological incident. Two experienced instructors from National Nuclear Security Administration, U.S. Department of Energy shared their experience from Fukushima response.

Visit of Training Centre of Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic in Brno where the firefighters organized practical training (detection, sampling, decontamination) and demonstrated “Hot Zone Solution exercise” (Consequence Management after CHEM incident) added to the value of this course.

To broaden the knowledge of the students Mr. Dušan LUPULJEV, guest speaker, retired general, Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU and NATO, gave two very interesting and comprehensive presentations on WMD/CBRN Terrorism and Civil-Military Cooperation in the field of CBRN Defence/Protection.

Consequence Management after a CBRN Incident Course was evaluated by students as very useful course with great value for their current job and their careers' development.


Author: CPT Gorazd STERGAR (SVN)

Photos: WO Marek NĚMEC (CZE)


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