The JCBRN Defence CoE Enhancement Project initially started as an excellent idea to ensure more adequate working conditions for CoE members as in NATO. The most important reason for the Enhancement project is to create an external image and environment worthy of and appropriate to the status, stature and high achievements to which this center and its sponsoring nations aspire.


   This project aligns the JCBRN Defence CoE with the standards of professional appearance and external functionality of other NATO organizations.  It also identifies the COE as a distinct and unique multinational organization on this installation and, indeed, in the Czech Republic.

Based on Steering Committee decision made in October 2015 CoE started a development of this project. Firstly, the project documentation was created between November 2015 and April 2016. Secondly CoE asked governmental office for issuing of building permission and continuously bidding process was started. The construction work has started in July 2016.

The project includes parking lots for 80 personal cars, electronically managed gate, building entrance, ceremony space with a monument and flags and lastly it also contains  guard’s cell and bicycle’s shelter. According to the contract, construction will be finalized at the beginning of October 2016.

JCBRN Defence CoE celebrates its 10th anniversary with a dignity.


