On 20 March 2018, the JCBRN Defence COE hosted a tiger-team on Live Agent Training (LAT). LTC Andreas Steinert, HQ SACT, chaired the meeting; LTC Jaroslav Borek attended on behalf of SHAPE. LTC Bernd Allert, MAJ Ilona Chylikova and MSG Marek Němec represented the JCBRN Defence COE, whilst COL Olivier Lion acted as the French Custodian of Allied Tactical Publication (ACT) 3.8.1 Volume III and IV.

Read more: ACT Tiger Team-Meeting on Live Agent Training

The Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence (JCBRN Defence COE) opened its academic year 2018 with the CBRN Analysis Super User – Refresher Course 2018. This two-day course, which is organized on an annual basis, hosted students from NATO, Partnership for Peace (PfP) and Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Slovenia, Sweden, Georgia, and Jordan) as well as specialists from private industry (Bruhn New Tech Company, Denmark).

Read more: JCBRN Defence COE opens its academic year 2018 with the CBRN Analysis Super User – Refresher...

Between 25 and 28 February 2018, the Czech Republic had the pleasure of hosting a visit by more than two dozen students from the prestigious United States Air Force Air War College (USAF AWC), Maxwell AFB. This visit forms part of their foreign studies. From the Czech Republic, they will continue to Austria and then they will finish their European tour in Hungary. The AWC student delegation visited the Czech Ministry of Defence, where they discussed regional security issues.

Their tour included visits of the 21st Tactical Airforce Base, Čáslav, the 4th Rapid Deployment Brigade Žatec, and the Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence in Vyškov.

Read more: Students of United States Air Force Air War College visited the JCBRN Defence COE

The CBRN Warning and Reporting – Manual Procedures course was organized by the Joint CBRN Defence COE at the CBRN Battalion in Rožňava, Slovakia from 05 to 09 February 2018.

The course was opened by Commander CBRN Battalion LTC Oliver Toderiška, who appreciated the JCBRN Defence COE participation in preparation of the Slovak CBRN Warning and Reporting specialists to intensify their knowledge and awareness in the area of NATO CBRN Warning and Reporting system. Eighteen participants from Slovak CBRN Defence units, Slovak Land Forces, Air Forces and Special Forces attended this course.

Read more: Mobile Education Training Team in Slovakia Read more: Mobile Education Training Team in Slovakia