On 24 – 26 May 2016, the JCBRN Defence COE hosted the NATO Force Protection Working Group (FP WG) Meeting in Brno with the participation of NATO-member National representatives from Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark,  Germany, Great Britain, Italy,  Latvia, Norway, Poland, and Portugal, as well as representatives from the International Military Staff (IMS), Allied Command Operations (ACO), JFC Naples, JFC Brunssum, HQ MARCOM, HQ AIRCOM, HQ LANDCOM, MilEng COE, JCBRND COE, European Air Group (EAG), EOD COE, Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC), the NATO SCHOOL at OBERAMMERGAU. 
The aim of the meeting was to:
•    update the Common Operational Picture (COP) of the operational theatre in the FP context
•    develop new FP WG Terms of Reference
•    update the FP WG Task Matrix
•    develop FP Policies
•    discuss the development of a FP Advanced Course.

During the plenary session on the first day, the delegates updated the FP WG Task Matrix and revised the FP WG Terms of reference, in which the JCBRN Defence COE is considered a permanent member of FP WG. Beginning in 2017, the FP WG meeting is planned to be organized annually at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.  The working group will continue to supervise three panels: Doctrine, Organization and Interoperability (D/O/I), led by JAPCC; Training, Leadership and Personnel (T/L/P) led by JF Naples, and the Material and Facilities Panel (M/F) led by AIRCOM.

Read more: NATO Force Protection Working Group Meeting Read more: NATO Force Protection Working Group Meeting

The second day was primarily focused on FP WG Panel tasks. Representatives from the Doctrine, Organization and Interoperability Panel developed a draft Force Protection Policy, which must be finalized and handed over to the IMS. The Training, Leadership and Personnel Panel prepared inputs to the Force Protection Advanced Course, which will be organized for the first time 5 - 9 December 2016 at Joint Forces Command, Naples.  All outcomes from the Panels were presented during the third day of the meeting.
Read more: NATO Force Protection Working Group Meeting

At the end Chairman Colonel Pablo Perreira invited all delegates to participate in the next FP WG meeting, which will be held in Lisbon (PRT) from 22 - 24 November 2016.  He also expressed his appreciation of the admirable organization and support provided by the JCBRN Defence COE.

Another iteration of the OPS-NC-2008 International Radiological Assistance Program Training for Emergency Response (I-RAPTER) Basic Course was organized by the Joint CBRN Defence Centre of Excellence and US Department of Energy National (DOE) Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) (find more at https://nnsa.energy.gov/) from 30 May to 2 June 2016.

The aim of the course was to provide practical information to effectively respond to radiological incidents and accidents. The course provided instruction through briefings, equipment demonstrations and field exercises employing a wide variety of radiation detection instruments, radiation sources, and personal protective equipment.

Read more: OPS-NC-2008 International Radiological Assistance Program Training for Emergency Response... Read more: OPS-NC-2008 International Radiological Assistance Program Training for Emergency Response...

Seventeen course participants (from CZE, ESP, HRV, POL, SVN, and USA) were members of armed forces, fire brigade units, civilian medical service and JCBRND COE.

The performance of NNSA instructors (Mr. Richard MAURER, Mr. Michael MAZUR, Mr. James BUTLER and Mr. Kevin ROLFE) was very professional and highly appreciated by all students. They shared their experience with students, conducted well prepared activities and were engaged in interesting discussions.

During theoretical lessons students have become familiar not only with variety of radioactivity detectors but also procedures related to this issue. The activities were culminating during the field exercise training day (Day 3). Students had to conduct search operation in a building, mobile search operation in the garrison and surroundings and a recovery operation.

Read more: OPS-NC-2008 International Radiological Assistance Program Training for Emergency Response... Read more: OPS-NC-2008 International Radiological Assistance Program Training for Emergency Response...

Search operation was conducted in cooperation with Institute of CBRN Defence – Radiological Laboratory (CZE University of Defence) and with Vyskov Air Museum. The premises of Vyskov Air Museum also created inspiring outdoors background for training the detection procedures and the safe transport of discovered radioactive sources to secure environment.

The course was evaluated by the students as very useful with great added value for their carrier’s development.

Next iteration is planned for 5-8 June 2017. Moreover, the I-RAPTER Basic is just one of four courses offered by NNSA and JCBRND COE, the three other courses are:

  • OPS-NC-3009 I – RAPTER Advanced Course
  • OPS-NC-3012 International Radiological Consequence Management Training Course
  • OPS-NC-2011 International Medical Management of Radiation Injuries (I-MED) Course

Find more at our Training Portal: http://www.jcbrncoe.cz/tp/course/index.php?categoryid=7 !

Author: CPT Gorazd STERGAR (SVN-A).
Photo: WO Petr MOHNACS (CZE-A).

Read more: Commander, U.S. Army 20th CBRNE Command Visits JCBRN Defence CoEVyskov, 27 May 2016: Brigadier General William E. King IV, Commander of the U.S. Army’s 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive (CBRNE) Command visited the JCBRN Defence CoE to exchange information and to assess the potential for future training, planning and support coordination. Colonel Will Flucker, the CoE’s Chief of Staff, welcomed BG King and hosted joint briefings and discussion followed by tours of the CoE’s CBRN Reachback Element, Modelling and Simulation Section and the Czech Republic’s Military Research Institute for Field Live Agent Training.

The 20th CBRNE Command is the United States’ Read more: Commander, U.S. Army 20th CBRNE Command Visits JCBRN Defence CoE only military formation with specialized capabilities and expertise to operate effectively across the fullspectrum of CBRNE Hazards. The highly-technical, special purpose, expeditionary formation of approximately 5,000 soldiers routinely engages and operates with and in support of U.S. joint, special operations, interagency and international CBRNE organizations and entities, maintaining a 24/7 focus on countering CBRNE threats at home and abroad.

BG King is the first commander of the venerable unit to visit the CoE. He greatly appreciated this first official engagement, and he personally identified several areas for continued dialog, stating “This won’t be the [20th CBRNE Command’s] last visit.”

Read more: Commander, U.S. Army 20th CBRNE Command Visits JCBRN Defence CoE

Read more: Czech CBRN  Expert Visited COE Read more: Czech CBRN  Expert Visited COE
February 2, 2016: The JCBRN Defence Centre of Excellence was honored to host Dr. Jozef SABOL, CBRN defence expert, Czech Police Academy.

The main aim was to share information with a view toward possible future cooperation in chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defence.
The JCBRN Defence Centre of Excellence Director, COL Jiri GAJDOS, presented a briefing about the Centre’s history, achievements and current projects, followed by a tour of the training and education facilities, CBRN Reachback operation room, the Information Knowledge Management and Modelling and Simulation sections.
Dr. Jozef SABOL was very pleased to have the opportunity to visit the Centre.

Over 200 attendees from 7 countries (BEL, CAN, CZE, DEU, FRA, UK, USA) participated in the NATO multinational exercise Clean Care 2016 that was conducted at the military training area Tisá from 19-23 September 2016. This cross-disciplinary CBRN and Medical training event was aimed at NATO interoperability at a tactical level, in order to provide CBRN medical support including the management of any casualty in a CBRN environment from point of exposure through to a Role 2 Medical Treatment Facility.