Read more: Mr. Chapman visited COE 


      On Tuesday 27 July 2010 the Director of the International Programs from USA CBRN School Mr. Dale Chapman visited the JCBRN Defence COE. 

     JCBRN Defence COE Director Zdeněk Čízek welcomed the US representative during his office call. The Director pointed out the fact, that the visit was a good opportunity to introduce the Centre current structure, ongoing projects, developing courses and discussing future potential cooperation in joint area of the interest. 

     The presentations given by LTC Manfred Hagen (TSD representative), COL Kubart (Chief of TEED) and Mr. Jiří Pail (M&S Cell) gave the overview of each department development and current status. Mr. Chapman briefed the COE members on USA CBRN Training Update and CBRN School Fort Leonard Wood. Mr. Dale Chapman, accompanied by LTC Rudolf Konár (TEED), visited the Live Agent Training Area ”Kamenná Chaloupka” following day.  

   Read more: GM Erich Staudacher at the COE     


       From July 19th to July 20th, 2010 the deputy commander of the German Joint Support Command (DCOM JSC) GM Erich Staudacher visited the JCBRN Defence COE with special interest to the German authority.   

        The director of the JCBRN Defence COE COL Zdeněk ČÍŽEK welcomed the DCOM JSC in the beginning of the office call and pointed out the importance and the value of the visit at the JCBRN Defence COE.The aim of the visit was to get an overview about the current situation and to analyse potential starting points for the support.The German Senior Representative COL Schunk briefed GM Staudacher to follow topics in detail:      

  •  Ongoing development of the COE
  •  Situation of the German authority within the JCBRN COE
  •  Collaboration with the JSC and other German authorities

         Furthermore, Mr. Pail (CZE) from modelling and simulation cell briefed the DCOM JSC about the situation in the development of the modelling and simulation cell, whose capabilities and the way ahead.  Author: WO Heiko Goehrke 


    Read more: The Initial Participation on Challange Subgroup Meeting        


         In accordance with “Program of Work 2011” approved by Steering Committee, the JCBRN Defence COE is tasked to participate and support the CBRN subgroups meetings arranged under responsibility of Joint Capability Group.  

         Due to fact, that the second meeting of Challenge SG was scheduled to Czech Republic, our COE decided to take opportunity to attend the meeting held from 28th June to 1st July 2010 in Hostivice.  


  Read more: 14th NSA CBRN WG Doctrine and Terminology Panel


          Doctrine and Terminology Panel (DTP) chaired by LTC Manfred HAGEN (JCBRN Defence COE) met from 17th to 21st May 2010 in Umeå, Sweden.Twenty one delegates from twelve NATO countries, the JCBRN Defence COE and Sweden as Partnership for Peace country attended the meeting.

         The main goal of the meeting was to advance the progress achieved in the development of several essential CBRN doctrinal publications. The publication ATP-3.8.1, Vol. I (CBRN Defence on Operations) was promulgated on the 14th of January 2010 and the custodianship was transferred from DEU to the JCBRN Defence COE. The doctrine AJP-3.8 (Allied Joint Doctrine for CBRN Defence) reached the status of Study Draft 3 and moved significantly towards ratification. New Table of Content for the ATP-3.8.1 Vol. II (Specialist NBC (CBRN) Defence Capabilities) was reviewed and approved along with the Aim and Scope of the new version of the publication. ATP-3.8.1 Vol. III (CBRN Defence Standards for Education, Training and Evaluation) is undergoing the ratification process. All terms and definitions of AAP-21(C) and AAP-21(D) (NATO Glossary Of CBRN) were commented by the NATO Office of Terminology Coordination (ONTC). DTP terminology syndicate started to review them and when completed it will be submitted back to the ONTC for promulgation.


 Read more: The Demonstration of Modeling and Simulation Capabilities


             The First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Czech Republic Brigadier General Miroslav Zizka, the Armaments Division of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic Director Jiri Stanek, the Director of the Force Development Division - Operational Division of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic Brigadier General Bohuslav Dvorak, the head of the Office of Defense Cooperation Colonel Mark Stobbe and other representatives from the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic, Alion Science and Technology Corporation and Vyškov garrison visited The JCBRN Defence COE on Friday 28th May 2010.