We are invited to participate CBRN Symposium in Berlin (19th - 21st October 2015, Berlin, Germany).

The increased occurrence of natural CBRN hazardous substances, potential threats arising from in-dustrial infrastructures, and the use of CBRN weapons (Weapons of Mass Destruction/warfare agents) and CBRN hazardous substances used by both governmental and non-governmental actors are the main categories of CBRN threats.

These CBRN categories demand the development of a modern CBRN defence as part of a country’s overall defence and security system. These threat categories have in part been created and intensi-fied through globalization and the (inter-) networking of all countries and societies. It coincides with a worldwide transfer of knowledge that knows no boundaries, also in areas of sensitive technologies. Threats that arise from proliferation also have decisive impact on the development of CBRN defence capabilities.

We are supporting CBRNe SUMMIT in Rome (25th – 27th February 2015, Rome, Italy).

Intelligence-Sec’s CBRNe Summit 2015 will bring together senior officials from across Europe to discuss the latest CBRNe threats faced in the region. This event will allow attendees to hear in-depth presentations from senior government officials who will be discussing their detection techniques and how they counter CBRN threats in their respective country. By taking part in this international event it will allow you to gain further knowledge from European First Responders who will provide case study presentations on how they respond to a CBRNe attack.

Read more: Combined Interoperability CBRN Defence in Air Operations Exercise »Toxic Trip 14«

Combined Interoperability CBRN Defence in Air Operations Exercise »Toxic Trip 14« (TT14) was held in FRA Air Force Base Cazaux from 26 September to 3 October 2014. It was hosted by Base Aerienne 120. There were 300 participants from 14 countries (AUS, BEL, CAN, DEU, DNK, EST, FRA, GBR, ITA, NOR, SVN, SWE, TUR and USA) and NATO organizations (NATO School Oberammergau and Joint Air Power Competence Centre).

Read more: CBRN Units Evaluators Course again

CBRN Units Evaluators Course 2014

CBRN Units Evaluators Course 2014 was conducted during the period 8 – 12 September.

The aim of the course was to prepare officers to achieve common standards in CBRN certification for evaluation of CBRN Defence units assigned to NATO Response Force Combined Joint Chemical Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Task Force (NRF CJ CBRND TF). Although the CJ CBRND TF consists of CBRN Battalion (CBRN Bn) and CBRN Joint Assessment Team (CBRN JAT) the focus of the course were CBRN units (Recon, Decon, Bio, Lab). In addition, the aim of the course was to learn how to evaluate the units of the CBRND Bn since this part is not defined in AFS volume VII and it is highly technical issue.

Read more: I-RAPTER I - basic course

International Radiological Assistance Program Training for Emergency Response (I-RAPTER)

Based on the cooperation between United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), JCBRN Defence COE and NBC Defence Institute of University of Defence (UNOB) was successfully conducted another “International Radiological Assistance Program Training for Emergency Response” (I-RAPTER)basic course during the period 19th – 22nd May 2014.